Healthy Mind Terms and Conditions

 Last updated in August 2023


We extend a warm welcome to you at "Healthy Mind" website (hereinafter referred to as "The Site").

1.     Who we are

The Healthy Mind Site provides comprehensive online mental health diagnosis and treatment by connecting you with healthcare professionals.   

The Healthy Mind Site is administered by Taliaz Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Taliaz"), located at Shacham St. 3, Petah Tikva, Israel, 4951703.

If you have any questions, please contact us any time at [email protected].  We will respond to your message as soon as possible. 

Please read these Terms and Conditions and our Privacy Policy before using the website or signing up for the services. 

In the event of a mental health crisis or emergency, please reach out to your healthcare provider or call emergency services on 999.

You understand the Site enables you to consult with consultant psychiatrist on a private self-pay basis.  This is not an NHS service.  Note that Taliaz or the consultant psychiatrist can share your medical information with your NHS GP unless you prefer that the information not be shared. You will be presented with your options regarding medical record sharing before you start your first consultation, and the choice to share your medical records is entirely yours.

2.     What is included in these Terms and Conditions

These Terms and Conditions contain information relevant to you, regarding:

a.     The rules for using our services

b.     The information that we need from you so that we can provide you with our services

c.     What to do if something goes wrong or you need to contact us

By using our services, you agree to these Terms and Conditions.  In the event that you do not follow these Terms and Conditions, we reserve the right to cancel or suspend the services offered. 

3.     The Services

Our services are performed virtually via online consultations.  However, not all conditions may be suitable for online consultations.  You should always seek advice from a medical practitioner in person if you have any doubts or are not sure that you are able to communicate your needs in an online appointment. 

Our Services are offered in the following way:

1)     Once you have registered your interest on our website, a member of our team will reach out to you to schedule an initial intake appointment and will provide you with the Services Registration Form. 

2)     The intake appointment will be with one of our staff, and will be an opportunity for you to provide us with information relevant to your assessment. 

3)     Following the initial intake, you will be scheduled for an appointment with a consultant psychiatrist.

4)     All of the consultant psychiatrists we work with are listed on the specialist register at the General Medical Council (GMC).  You can read more about the GMC here.

5)     The consultant psychiatrist will be provided with the information that was collected during your initial intake appointment.

6)     In addition, a software tool, called the Predictix test, may be used.  The Predictix test is a stand-alone software that can be used to support a clinician decision in choosing the most suitable medication and treatment.  The Predictix test is registered with the MHRA as a Class I medical device and is CE certified.  You can read more about the MHRA here

o   Please be aware that the Predictix test is not meant for self-diagnosis or to provide medical advice, but rather as a tool for a healthcare professional to rely on at their discretion. 

o   Please also be aware that the healthcare professional may choose not to rely on the Predictix test.

o   Any recommendation made by the healthcare professional regarding your treatment will be based on the healthcare professional's professional judgement and need not utilize the Predictix test report at all.

7)     Following your appointment with the consultant psychiatrist, you will be offered follow up and review sessions.

You understand and agree that the consultant psychiatrists are independent medical professionals that are individually responsible for the medical advice that they offer you.  Taliaz does not offer you any medical advice and is not responsible for the medical advice given by the consultant psychiatrists.

4.     Prescriptions and medication

Healthcare professionals will not prescribe medication unless it is, in their professional opinion, in the best interests of the patient.  The consultant psychiatrist with whom you will meet virtually may or may not prescribe you with medication. 

The consultant psychiatrists we work with follow the national guidance, including guidance from the National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) as well as the Care Quality Commission (CQC) standards. 

If the consultant psychiatrist prescribes medication, we suggest you obtain the medication from a chemist or pharmacist in your usual way.  Taliaz does not offer any medication, discounts, and does not have any link to any chemists or pharmacies for the provision of medication. 

You understand there is no guarantee that you will be provided with a prescription for any medication.  You acknowledge that the issuing of any prescription for medication is at the sole discretion of the consultant psychiatrist. 

5.     Verifying your identity

During your video consultation with the consultant psychiatrist, you may be asked to show a photo ID to enable the consultant psychiatrist to confirm your identity before prescribing medication.  Acceptable ID include:

·       Current valid and signed passport

·       Residence permit issued by the Home Office

·       Valid UK photo-card driving license

·       Citizen card

·       Valid and current student ID with photograph

If you would like to rely on another form of ID please contact us at [email protected].

6.     Who can use our Services?

Our Services are only for adults who are 18 years or older, and are not for women who are pregnant or intending to become pregnant. 

7.     Using the Site and Services

When using the Site and the Services, you will be required to provide certain Personal Data including contact information and health information. We will store this information securely as detailed in the Privacy Policy. We will use this information to communicate with you and to provide the Services. 

Additionally and as further detailed in the Privacy Policy, the information that you provide may be pooled together with other users' information to help support mental health research.  Only anonymised data will be used for this research purpose, and no Personal Data will be used. 

It is important that the information you give us is accurate.  Please let us know if any information we have about you is wrong or needs to be updated. 

In using the Site, you are prohibited from duplicating, distributing, transmitting, transferring, publishing, or commercially exploiting any content contained therein.

We ask that you do not create duplicate accounts and always access the Services using the account we have for you on record. If you need assistance setting up the account, please contact our customer support team at [email protected].  

8.     Accessing the Services

You acknowledge that the use of the Site is dependent upon a functioning Internet connection, and that the absence or disruption of such a connection will hinder the use of the Site. Taliaz will not be liable for any Damages that may be caused by the termination of the Services and/or the availability of the Site, including due to maintenance work.

Taliaz is not responsible if the supply of the Services is delayed or prevented by circumstances outside our control. If this occurs we will contact you as soon as possible to let you know and we will take steps to minimise the effect of the delay or failure. If there is a risk of substantial delay, you may contact us to cancel any booked appointments or Services and receive a refund for any Services you have paid for but not received.

9.     Your commitments if you choose to use our Services

When using the Services, you must not use them:

1)     For any commercial purpose, such as creating your own website for profit;

2)     For any improper or unlawful manner, for any unlawful purpose, or in any manner inconsistent with these Terms and Conditions, or act fraudulently or maliciously;

3)     In any way that could disable, damage, or somehow impair the security and functioning of our services, like installing any virus, malware, or harmful material;

4)     In any way that we reasonably consider to be excessive or to be beyond the scope of normal patient use;

5)     In any way to gain access or try to access any other user accounts, data, or computer systems or networks. 

If we believe you are doing any of the above, we may suspend your access to the Services.  You may not be refunded for any fees paid. 

10.  Your medical record

The information that you provide to us through submission of the online form, on calls, in the intake appointment as well as during appointments with the consultant psychiatrist may be kept as part of your Medical Record.  Your Medical Record file is created so that you can access your personal health information and so that the consultant psychiatrist can record the appointments and advice given in accordance with obligations under UK law.  If you want any additional information added to the Medical Record it is your responsibility to make that request.

Taliaz is not responsible for the maintenance of a complete record of all data arising from your use of the Services.  Taliaz reserves the right to maintain, process, review, delete or destroy all communications and materials posted pursuant to the Privacy Policy.

If you would like a copy of your Medical Record please contact us at [email protected].

11.  Intellectual Property

All intellectual property rights, including patents, trademarks, designs, copyrights, and know-how (together "IP rights") in the Site and the Services (including for the avoidance of any doubt, the Predictix test), belong to Taliaz.  These Terms and Conditions should not be construed, implicitly or otherwise, as granting a license or right to use the IP rights.  If you provide any suggestions, ideas, or other feedback to Taliaz about the Site or Services, Taliaz is free to utilize all rights in such feedback indefinitely and without any obligation to compensate you.

12.  Liability and  Indemnity

The use of the Site and the Services is entirely at your own risk and responsibility.  We provide our Services as they are described and do not make any other guarantees.

If we break these Terms and Conditions we will only be responsible for any losses that could have been foreseen when we entered into these terms.   We are not responsible for any acts or omissions of the consultant psychiatrists. 

Below are some of the things that we cannot be held responsible for:

·       Damage or loss resulting from not following the instructions for using our Products and Services or using them in a way different than the intended or prescribed use;

·       Business losses to you;

·       Any damage or loss that occurs as a result of your own breach of these Terms and Conditions or any other agreement;

·       Loss or damage resulting from using any third-party website or link available on our website.

We cannot guarantee the availability of a consultant psychiatrist at any time. If possible, we will arrange a consultation with a Clinician as soon as possible but we cannot guarantee a consultation at a particular time.

You accept that each consultant psychiatrist, at his or her sole discretion, writes prescriptions and any documents related to your care based on their own professional judgement and legal obligations and that the content of such items is individual, based on information you provide. You must not change the content of any such items. You acknowledge that there is no guarantee or warranty that these items will contain the content you desired or believed they would contain.

Healthcare professionals may provide different clinical opinions on the same condition or set of symptoms. 

We do not tolerate abuse or offensive behaviour towards the consultant psychiatrist or towards any Taliaz employee. 

13.  Cancellation of Transaction

While we will endeavor to offer you the best services, we understand that sometimes a Service may not meet your needs and you may wish to cancel.

Purchasing services online usually comes with the right to cancel your order within fourteen (14) days after the day on which the contract is entered into, without giving any reason.

When you make your first appointment and complete the Services Registration Form, you will be given the option to waive these rights. By booking an appointment that is less than 14 days from the date of booking, you acknowledge that you have waived your statutory right to cancel during the 14 days following purchase. This is so we are able instantly to start providing the Services and to secure time with a consultant psychiatrist in advance to ensure availability.

Per the above, you may cancel your purchase, but cancellation fees may apply.  To cancel your transaction, please contact us at: [email protected] and indicate "Cancel Transaction" in your correspondence.

14.  Applicable Law, Jurisdiction, and Variation

These Terms and Conditions will be governed by the laws of England and Wales.  Any disputes arising out of these Terms and Conditions or the Services can be brought in the courts of England and Wales, and we reserve the right to bring any action in the courts of Tel Aviv, Israel.   

If any provision of the Terms and Conditions is found to be contrary to law by a competent court, it will not affect the remaining provisions of the Terms and Conditions or any parts thereof that have not been invalidated or reduced by the court as stated.

Taliaz may assign and transfer its rights under the Terms and Conditions to any third party at its sole discretion and without the requirement to give you any notice.

There is no partnership, agency, or joint venture between Taliaz and you.

15.  Changes to these Terms and Conditions

These Terms and conditions are always available on our Website.  We may change these Terms and Conditions from time to time.  We may not always inform you when we make a change.

However, if we may any changes that may affect your rights we will inform you of the changes.

If you are not happy with the changes you can stop using or purchasing the Services.  If you continue to use the Services we will assume that you agree to the changes. 

16.  How to make a complaint

If you wish to make a complaint or give us any feedback about the Services please contact us at [email protected].  Please do let us know as soon as possible if you have a complaint so that we can resolve it quickly.

If you have any complaints about the consultant psychiatrists or others involved in your care, you can also raise a complaint directly with the GMC.  The GMC is responsible for ensuring that doctors in the UK meet the standards of good medical practice.  Information on how to make a complaint with the GMC can be found here

Additionally, if you wish to make a complaint about the consultant psychiatrist or services involved, you can make a complaint directly to the Quality Care Commission, information for which can be found here.

17.  Contact

For any inquiries about the Terms and Conditions or if you need support in the operation of the Site (for reporting failures) and/or receiving the services offered therein, please contact Taliaz at: [email protected]. Taliaz will endeavor to respond to you as promptly as possible.